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Swanand Wagh, Parth Kothari, Samruddhi Pahune.

3 weeks academic project done in 2022

A Phygital Intervention for better Discoverability at  Van Vihar, Bhopal 

Terra is an app from an ecosystem of design solutions proposed to solve the problem of Urban organic solid waste management. This is just an overview of the project. Do reach out to me for walking you through the entire journey. 

What I have put together here is just 10% of the entire project. The entire journey of this project including the research, analysis and the all the backtage work has been curated in my graduation Project Document. 

" Terra " meaning earth, is a gamified composting learning and community building platform with the aim to promote urban composting and help tackle multiple issues that users face during initiating composting practices. Following are the Key features of the application. 

Learn Composting Step by Step

Terra has a curated composting learning platform where you can step by step learn about composting through videos, articles and short reads.

Connect with nearby experts and  services 

One of the key features of the app, it connects you with composting experts around you and the composting services which might help you start or scale up your composting practices. 

Use the composting Marketplace 

You can compare between various composters and other composting products and also sell your excess compost with nearby willing buyers.


As the user downloads the app, they onboard onto the terra platform and the app introduces itself. The onboarding screens are designed to be simple yet make the user feel curious and excited about the application. An interactive app tour follows the onboarding process, guiding users through its features and functionalities.

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Sign Up page and Loading Animation. 


Home Screen 

The home screen functions as an app dashboard, displaying recent posts and  updates from various sections of the app. It serves as a centralized hub for users to stay updated on all content additions across the application.

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Composting Learning Module 

The composting learning module offers curated content on composting, including videos, articles, posts, and short reads. As the user engages, the system tailors information delivery. A quick search bar enables specific topic searches.

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Connect  Page 

One of the key features of the app, it connects the users with composting experts, fellow compost buddies, composting communities and composting services around them using a playful map viualization. The user can easily see what people around them are doing and get inspired and motivated to themselves start adopting composting practices. 


Connecting with an expert 

Every nearby member of the app is represeted by their piece of land on a gamified map. The users can find their nearby compost experts on the map and see and learn from their posts and can further even request and talk to them and get their composting doubts solved.

Exploring nearby composting services 

The user can easily locate the composting services near them by selecting the services filter. This will highlight all the composting services active in the user's locality. Further clicking on every service reveals more details about it. 

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Marketplace and AR Composter experience 

The marketplace is a platform to buy composters and other composting products. The " View in AR " feature of the app enables the user to experience the products in their space and then make a choice. This feature in the future also aims at becoming a compost exchange platform where people can share their excess compost harvest. 

Weekly Compost Log 

Weekly log is an additional feature where users can track their progress by logging in theirr weekly composter updates in quick easy steps. 


Excited to know more about the project? Please do reach out  for a detailed walkthrough! 

Terra is a part of larger solution plan to promote adoption of composting practicescurrently in the phase of User Testing. Please do reach out to me to see the other solutions part of the plan entire design process from research to conceptualization to design detail. See you soon! 

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