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E- vehichle pickup and drop shuttle.
Neel and His
Magic Soap Bottle
D'sorce Corona Challenge winning story book.
When Covid struck the world, no one anticipated it. Lockdowns were followed by waves of rumours, mis-information, myths and panic. Neel And His Magic Soap Bottle is a hand illustrated informative storybook aiming at educating young minds about the new virus and busting the then prevalent myths.
Individul entry at the D'sourse Corona design challenge.
The illustration for this book were done in a time on 3 weeks.

The Idea was to create
a storybook which engagingly educates but does not intimidate.
During a time when the world is going through something quite unforeseen, a little magical sparckle was needed. Through this book I have tried to educate young minds about CoVid through a magical storyline.

Does'nt Magic Fascinate us all ?
During a time when the world is going through something quite unforeseen, a little magical sparckle was needed. Through this book I have tried to educate young minds about CoVid through a magical storyline.

Storyline Ideations

Initial Character Explorations
Hand Illustrations
Interestingly illustrated storybooks with fascinating and engaging stories are one of best ways to educate the children about something . Magic is something which always fascinates children .
What did my little readers say?
While a little reader's parent said:
" Radha and Rucha loved reading the book together. They were excited and it was informative as she learnt the science behind viruses . Both of them enjoyed crossword puzzle. "
A little reader said:
" Dada, I loved the soap fairy...Is she really there? I would like to meet her...I could imagine myself in Neel. But I didnt understood myself to prepare the mask, But took help of my parents to prepare it "


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